Monday, December 10, 2012

Average, just average.

We all live in a world that tell us what we have to be and whom we are to be.  Since we were mere infants, we were taught to be an achiever, to be someone successful, to be someone who is rich and famous.  There are thousands of famous people in this world, people who are achievers and had achieved greatness.  Bill Gates, Steve Jobs are one of the most profound people in the world of computing and software.  And there are famous athletes, ranging from everywhere in the world, east to west, north to south, Asia to Europe.  Hollywood are filler with celebrities whom are rich and famous and had literarily achieved everything that is deemed successful in life.  We have people like Tom Cruise, Lady Gaga, Angelina Jolie who had achieved so much in their life, what possibly could they want anymore?  They practically have all the greatness in them already. 

In Malaysia, people are constantly finding that moment to leap out and get rich and famous, people trying to get rich by participating in get-rich-schemes, people buying shares to try their luck, students studying night and day in hope to be successful one day.  Parents in nowadays are so worried how their child would be left out and tried to inject the "greatness" in them at very young ages.  Its common to see parents sending their child to tons and tons of classes like tuition classes, piano lesson, ballet, art classes, mind development seminars and the list goes on and on.  Sometimes when everyone is telling us to go for the greater heights, the greener pastures, we often forget the fundamentals of life.  People are not born great or are they born instantly rich of famous. 

Well, some people are born rich do but that's not my point here.  My point is that not everyone can be blessed with wealth and fame, in fact most of the people on earth today are people like you and me, born in an average loving family.  Average, yes average people, nothing "great"about them.  Nothing great, in fact I think that greatness is overrated in today's society.  Scholarships, job opportunities, universities' admission all require us to have a kind of 'greatness' in ourselves.  So what if I do not have anything great about myself? So what if I am just a average person living life.  Average is the person that goes to school everyday with his school bag and longing for recess the moment he stepped into the school compound.  Average is the teacher who had taught 25 years and chose not to be promoted to a school official but decided to dedicate her life to educate her beloved students in mathematics.  Average is the Dad who came home late after a hard day's work and tiredly sank into the sofa.  Average is the friend who listen to every little problem you have and promised to kick that jerk's butt if anyone offended you.  Average is the Mom, who waited one hour outside of the school before the school bell rang just the fetch her little girl home everyday.  You see being average is not as easy as you think, being average is a whole lot more than that.  

Today, I want to express that being average does not make you a loser.  Being average does not mean that we are anything less the "greater" people.  Being average is just a way to say there's so much more for me to achieve.  Opportunity are not given to us, we are not born rich, we are not born famous.  We the average, fight for our own opportunity.  Everyday passed should be celebrated and everyone should understand this that......AVERAGE may turn out to be the greatest greatness after all.

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